NVIDIA GTC will be returning from 8-11 November in a digital format, We’re expecting more than 100,000 attendees to join us and we’ll be hosting 1,200+ sessions from very technical developer and researcher-focused talks to business and implementation-focused talks from C-level leaders at leading companies, covering the latest in AI, graphics, accelerated computing, intelligent networking, and more. We’re very happy that, for this GTC, we’re able to offer a limited number of free passes for full-day, instructor-led workshops, hosted by the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI), exclusively for LatinX in AI.

The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) offers hands-on training in AI, accelerated computing, and accelerated data science to help developers, data scientists, and other professionals solve their most challenging problems. The in-depth workshops at GTC are taught by experts in their respective fields, delivering industry-leading technical knowledge to drive breakthrough results for individuals and organizations. Those that complete a full-day workshop will earn an NVIDIA DLI certificate to demonstrate subject-matter competency and accelerate career growth. These workshops are priced at $99 until the 22nd of October, so this is a fantastic opportunity for members of LatinX in AI to gain meaningful insights and training free of charge.

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